Monday, July 25, 2011

Stepping Into An Open Mind, To Unknown Hearts

“Tamika Miller knows what she wants in a husband.

Her Mr. Right would be ambitious and driven, well-mannered and polite, smart, attractive, faithful and, of course, ready for family life.”

-       Lolly Bowean

Love and The Black Woman readers! You may remember a few weeks ago we had a write up pertaining to how online dating is just not into black people—more notably black women—but according to Lolly Bowean, the times they are a changing!

Yes, I know, being a single black woman carries some staggeringly bleak statistics that can make the most optimistic person shake their head in resignation. Now is not the time to give up. It’s time to adapt.

In the Chicago Tribune’s article African-American Singles Change Their Approach to Dating, Bowean writes, “a different conversation is emerging in the black community. Rather than fixate on the bleak statistics, some have started working to bring singles together in ways once considered taboo by many African-Americans.”

Young men and women are starting to step out of their comfort zones, to the unknown, and trying things a bit differently. One specific means of doing so: the Internet.

Bowen continues, “They are orchestrating matches on Twitter and Facebook. Some are hosting meet-ups and living-room gatherings for black singles to mix and mingle. Others are luring singles into their lounges for candid conversations about how to date and how to find true love.”

By opening up to such outlets in order to meet people, this newly found open-mindedness is allowing them to be honest with their hearts and understand more of what they want in a relationship. And isn’t that all we really want, to be real?

Love and the Black Woman applaud all those willing to try something new in the name of honesty, love, and companionship. Take your chance. Live outside your comfort zone. Love!